Soiree Special Events

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Inspiration Board: Programs

Wedding programs take on every shape, size, and color and reflect the style of the wedding. For those brides who enjoy being creative with the wedding details, programs are another opportunity to personalize your special day.

Here are some of the interesting ones I've found!

So, what exactly goes into a program?

The Basics:
On the cover or in a central place:

Your family, bridal party, and anyone participating in your ceremony:

The Details:
The order of your ceremony:

Your guests will greatly appreciate the ability to follow along. For more complicated ceremonies, or ones that incorporate traditions unfamiliar to your guests, you may offer an explanation or origin of the tradition. Your guests want to share in your ceremony and this will help them do that.

And any special notes for your guests:

Have your guests traveled from the four corners of the earth? Do you want to remember a loved one who can't celebrate with you in person? Or maybe this is just the perfect spot to thank your parents and welcome your guests - this is a good place to add a personal note.

Program of the reception:

Outlining your reception is a good idea if there is a program of events. While this is unusual for traditional American receptions, many ethnic receptions include multiple toasts or dance performances so your guests will want to know the who, when, or what will happen during the evening. The amount of information you include depends on how familiar your guests are with the traditions.



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