Soiree Special Events

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Soiree Classroom: How to pin boutonnières

If you hire a wedding coordinator, you'll probably never need to learn how to pin a boutonnière. The only two times you'd ever need to know this are prom and weddings, one of which you've hopefully already done. Pinning a boutonnière isn't necessarily tricky but it does look harder than it actually is. Here's the play-by-play:

1. Make sure you have a boutonnière and at least one pin (I prefer two).

2. Pins go in your mouth, holding them with your lips. Try not to stab yourself.

3. Place the flower on the man's left lapel so the area where the stem and bloom meet covers the buttonhole in the jacket. Angle it slightly outward so it gently follows the shape of the lapel's edge.

4. Make a flower hot dog. Pick up the lapel's edge and roll it towards the man's right side. Standing opposite the gentleman, you'll fold it from the right to the left, covering the flower.5. Holding the fabric tight against the flower, stick the pin in straight towards the gentleman, aiming towards the top part of the stem. Make sure you get a good chunk of stem but not too much so that the pin shows on the front side of the lapel. "Look ma - no pins!"6. Repeat #5 with your second pin, this time closer to the bottom of the stem. Try not to stab your victim wearer. Tell dad to smile for the photograph:7. Ask the wearer if it feels secure. Tug on the stem a little to see if it budges. If it moves just a little, try pinning it again until it's stuck on the lapel for good.

As a reminder, the following folks should receive a boutonnière: Groom, Best Men, Groomsmen, Fathers, Grandfathers, Ushers, Readers, and other important gentlemen who have a significant a role in your wedding.

When pinning corsages, the same rules apply but there is usually no lapel to hide pins. I try and include a little bit of bra strap, especially when the woman's dress is a sheer or light material. Instead of aiming the pins horizontally, I typically stick the pins more vertically and leave the pointy part inside of the stem so it doesn't stab it's wearer. I can usually secure a corsage with 2 pins but you might want to have 3 on hand just in case:



  • Great tips!

    Don't be offended if your musician doesn't want a flower though - my dad is a trumpeter who plays a few weddings a month. If the flower is scented at all it really irritates him to breathe in the fragrance while he's playing, so he usually tells the bride in advance that he prefers not to wear one.

    By Blogger MB, at 29/11/07 5:01 PM  

  • This is the best tutorial I've seen in a long time.


    OS: I'd love it if you 'd post it over at

    By Blogger Eric, at 29/11/07 9:50 PM  

  • Wow Laura - this is great. I am asked to do this a lot - and I always I suppose if it is really needed I might be able to pull it off!!

    By Blogger kerry, at 4/12/07 11:01 PM  

  • Your tutorial is on Blue Orchid Designs!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 18/12/07 8:56 AM  

  • Wow it's looking very cute and pretty.....!!

    lapel pins

    By Blogger Unknown, at 24/3/14 2:04 PM  

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